2024 Keynote Speaker
Prof. Takashige Omatsu
Chiba University, Japan
Takashige Omatsu (B.S. (1983), Ph.D. (1992) from the University of Tokyo) is a professor of nano-science division of a faculty of engineering in Chiba University.His research intersts cover a variety of areas, such as nonlinear optics, solid-state and fiber lasers, singular optics, and super-resolution spectroscopy. Recent work has focused on chiral control of nano-structures by angular momentum of light. Such chiral nano-structures will potentially provide a new scientific aspect to metamaterials, plasmonics, and silicon photonics, and they might also enable us to develop nanoscale imaging systems with chiral selectivity. He has already published >100 refereed journal articles, and he has performed >20 invited presentations of major international conferences, including CLEO, CLEO Pacific-Rim, CLEO Europe, LEOS, and ICALEO meetings. He has been appointed as an Associate Editor of Optics Express during 2006-2012. He is also on the editorial board of Applied Physics Express. He is currently working as a steering committee member of the conference on the laser and optoelectronics pacific-rim (CLEO Pacific-rim). Professor Omatsu is a Fellow of the Japan Society of Applied Physics, and a Senior Member of the Optical Society of America. He is also Visiting Professor, Xinjiang Normal University, China.
Prof. Yujiro Hayashi
Tohoku University, Japan
Yujiro Hayashi is a professor of
Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science,
Tohoku University. He received his B.S. degree(1984),
M.S. degree(1986) , Ph. D. degree(1992) from Tokyo
University, Japan, and his postdoctoral fellowship at
Harvard University. He worked as assistant professor in
Tokyo University in 1987, then he was promoted as
associate professor in 1998. After that, he joined Tokyo
University of Science as full professor. In 2012, Prof.
Yujiro Hayashi joined Department of Chemistry, Graduate
School of Science, Tohoku University, Japan. His
research interests include: Organic synthesis.
Development of new synthetic methods. Synthesis of
biologically active natural products.
He is in international advisory board of Asian Journal
of Organic Chemistry, Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis,
European Journal of Organic Chemistry, The Open Organic
Chemistry Journal, and The Open Natural Products
Journal. Prof. Yujiro Hayashi is also the editor of
Chemistry Letters, The Chemical Society of Japan.